Monday, April 13, 2015

The Third Event

The Bijou Film Center will stage its next event on Sunday, May 17, 2015. The program will include live music, actually quite a bit of it. It will also include short films and some magic. This time the event will not be built around a particular feature film. For information about the Bijou's two previous events click here and here.

This time the party will unfold between noon and 6 p.m. at Hardywood Park Craft Brewery. The purpose of this special event will be to introduce our film center concept to a wider audience, raise some money to help launch the Bijou's film transfer business, and to have fun doing it.

We'll tell you more about that film transfer business, ASAP. Meanwhile, this post is just a teaser to let everyone know about the time and date for the party.

Note: What we have in mind is a variety show. Accordingly, the live music lineup includes: Happy Lucky Combo and the Red Hot Lava Men. The headliner is Avers.

More details will follow soon.